The Aboriginal and Environmental Education Circle (AEE Circle) was founded on January 2, 2010 during a gathering at the Jack Smythe Field Centre. Co-founders during this gathering were Patricia Chrisjohn, Sharron Huxley, Jennifer Kottick, Mike Millard, Sherri Owen, Rob Ridley, David Spencer and Anthony Templer. During the months that followed, Jo-Anne Absolon, Marc Hogan, Damian MacSeáin and Ian Pettigrew provided guidance for the structure of the organization.
On February 25, 2010 David Spencer brought together educators and aboriginal elders from Peel Region for the second Aboriginal and Environmental Education Circle (AEE Circle) held at the Peel Aboriginal Network Community Centre in Brampton.
On June 30, 2012 the AEE Circle was donated by David Spencer and AEE Circle members to the Native Education Association of Ontario (NEAO). From 2009 to May 2014, the Native Education Association of Ontario (NEAO) was led by Marg Boyle and a team of Ontario educators. Special thanks to Marg Boyle, her NEAO Council and three years of leadership, encouragement and support. In May 2014, this association was rebranded to become the First Nation, Metis & Inuit Education Association of Ontario (FNMIEAO) the Ontario Ministry of Education recognized provincial subject association for teachers and educators of First Nation, Metis & Inuit Studies and Native Languages.
See photos and details about followup gatherings held on Tuesday March 6, 2012.
Back Row: David Spencer, Anthony Templer, Marc Hogan, Tyler Connochie, Paul Strome, Rainford Cornish, Murray Clemminson, Jennifer Kottick, Roger Lauzon, Ian Pettigrew, Damian MacSeain, Andrew Kett, Jo-Anne Absolon, Joseph Paquette
Front Row: Pat Chrisjohn, Laura Fanthome, Susan Massi, Roberta Oswald, Keir Brown, Kathryn Konnerth
Not present for this photo: Emma Duncan and Beth Veale